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UnderCover Literary Agents
Image by Patrick Shaun



Fundido a negro
(Fade to Black)

Fiction, thriller, 288 pp

A scary Meta-Thriller with fantasy elements, for the likes of Robert Pobi and Stephen King, by one of the most talented new Spanish writers, "Fundido a negro" focuses on violence against women and children, inside and outside of closed circuits, and surprises with a groundbreaking treatment of fantastical elements. For upmarket comercial lists.

—  Sold to: Spain (Planeta/NdeNovela)


—  World rights

The latest

Originally signed up in 1999, Elia Barceló has been translated into many languages and is fully represented by the agency since 2011. UnderCover recovered Barceló's national and international rights.


The supervision of an international success.

Entered the agency in 2014. UnderCover brokered the international launch of his first non-fiction title and is now supervising the national and international launch of all his works.


The challenge of establishing a new international non-fiction writer.

First signed up in 2002, fully represented since 2011, Jorge Bucay's books have been translated into more than thirty languages and are bestsellers in Germany, Spain, South America, Greece and all over Eastern Europe.


The creation and supervision of an international brand.

The Flow-Sorceress entered the agency at the end of 2020, presenting a unique book and a vision that enables us to learn from our hearts and to realize our dreams.

The challenge of opening space for a charismatic vision on the international market.

Signed up in late 2015, UnderCover accompanies and coaches a new fiction author who counts with a large readership in the fantasy-genre and is now launching his first literary novel.


The creation of a national career, opening perspectives on the international market.

In 2018, Kenan Crnkic entered the agency with his bestselling title Beware which Wolf you feed. UnderCover represents him internationally and advises him in his worldwide branding.

The challenge of taking a national success to an international level.

Represented since 2023, Noah Eggert has delivered a beautiful and unique graphic novel and is currently preparing a sequel. His work has been displayed publicly at the Institute for Art Education in Leipzig.

The task of creating a forum for a new artistic talent that has something to say.

Gustavo Ariel Rosemffet Abramovich became part of our project early on and fully entered the agency in 2022. Gusti is one of the most renowned children's books illustrators and authors in the Spanish speaking world.

The goal to bring a world full of symbols, ideas and imagination to the world.



Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia


Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia


Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia


Establishing Content

Literary Agents

Since foundation, in 1997, UnderCover has brokered and accompanied countless major international book launches, with cooperation partners mainly in Spain, Catalonia, South America, Eastern and Northern Europe and in the US. As agents or co-agents, the agency established national and international bestselling authors, such as Matilde Asensi, Elia Barceló, Jorge Bucay, Jaume Cabré, Félix Palma, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Javier Sierra, Jorge Volpi and many others.

Publishing Intelligence

Literary Scouting
Penguin Random House Group

Plaza & Janés


For the upmarket program Ave Fénix Serie Mayor, of a major Spanish publishing house, part of the then Random House Mondadori Group (now Penguin Random House Group), UnderCover establishes an exclusive list of literary writers from Northern and Eastern Europe, including future Nobel Prize Winner Imre Kertész who had never before been translated into Spanish, Norwegian bestselling author Erik Fosnes Hansen and literary award-winning German writer Herta Müller.
The first challenge to work on an upmarket level, without losing commercial perspective.

Grupo Planeta

Ediciones Destino


For the prestigious Spanish publisher, in ten years of cooperation, UnderCover contributes to an important Fiction and Non-Fiction list, recovering backlist of authors such as Sebastian Haffner and Luke Rhinehart and including contemporary writers, such as Nobel Prize Winner Elfriede Jelinek, Swedish literary author Per Olov Enquist, Cornelia Funke and bestselling commercial German writer Frank Schätzing. With UnderCover's help, in 2005 one of the most successful international fiction titles of the past twenty years is signed up for Destino's list: the Millennium Trilogy, by Stieg Larsson.

Grupo Zeta

Ediciones B


Seeking more space and continuity in national bookstores, the commercial literary Spanish publisher wishes to relaunch his international list and hires UnderCover as counsellors for the restructuring and extension of their international catalogue. In close cooperation with the client, UnderCover realizes research for new successful product lines, such as Landscape Novels (with international bestselling author Sarah Lark, as a flagship), and signs up many more outstanding authors, such as Rolf Dobelli, Ernest Cline, Luca di Fulvio and Keigo Higashino.

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